Clinical Utilization

Multitarget stool DNA (mt-sDNA) test utilization for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening has increased rapidly since it was approved in 2014.1 Since its approval, real-world data suggest growing patient and provider interest in the mt-sDNA test as a noninvasive screening modality for average-risk CRC screening.1 Furthermore, real-world data have demonstrated the clinical effectiveness of mt-sDNA in diverse clinical practice.2

In one study, neoplasia was found in 68.0% of patients having colonoscopy after a positive mt-sDNA test versus 42.3% of patients with colonoscopy only2

Individuals with positive mt-sDNA tests were significantly more likely than colonoscopy-only patients to have CRC2

Colonoscopy after a positive mt-sDNA test was more frequently associated with CRC detection than colonoscopy alone2


Colonoscopy outcomes in average-risk patients Colonoscopy post-positive mt-sDNA (N=240) Colonoscopy only (N=719) Fisher exact test P value
n (%)
Any neoplasia 161 (67.1) 286 (39.8) <0.0001
Most advanced finding on colonoscopya
Adenocarcinoma/CRC 4 (1.7) 2 (0.3) <0.0001
Advanced noncancerous neoplasia 60 (25) 57 (7.9)
Nonadvanced neoplasia 97 (40.4) 227 (31.6)
Normal exam/nonsignificant findings 79 (32.9) 433 (60.2)
Missing outcome 0 1

Table adapted from Anderson, 20222


Colonoscopy characteristics Colonoscopy following positive mt-sDNA test Colonoscopy only P value
n (%)
Total number of patients 306 918
Preparation quality 0.306
Excellent 72 (27.6%) 261 (32.6%)
Good 169 (64.8%) 482 (60.3%)
Fair 20 (7.7%) 57 (7.1%)
Missing 45 118
Exam completeness 1
Complete to the cecum/TI 290 (100%) 868 (100%)
Missing 16 50

Table adapted from Anderson, 20222

  • The vast majority (83.3%) of patients with mt-sDNA tests had colonoscopy within 3 months of the positive mt-sDNA2
  • Individuals with positive mt-sDNA tests (N=306, average age 67.0 years; 61.8% female) were significantly more likely than colonoscopy-only patients (N=918, 66.2 years; 61.8% female) to have CRC (1.3% vs 0.4%) or advanced noncancerous neoplasia (27.1% vs 8.2%) (P<0.0001)2
  • Neoplasia was found in 68.0% of patients having colonoscopy after a positive mt-sDNA test, (positive predictive value, PPV, was 68.0%), versus 42.3% of patients with colonoscopy only (P<0.0001)2
  • This regression found that, independent of BMI, smoking, date of colonoscopy, and aspirin/NSAID use, mt-sDNA positive status is associated with abnormal colonoscopy findings (OR=2.66, 95% CI: 1.79-3.98; P<0.0001)2
  • No significant differences in colonoscopy quality measures were observed between cohorts2
  • This retrospective study examined colonoscopy findings between January 2015 and June 2019 of patients with positive mt-sDNA results in the NHCR database2
  • The mt-sDNA positive patients (n=306) were matched by age (±5 years), sex, and CRC risk (average or increased) at a 1:3 ratio to a cohort of 918 unique patients who received a colonoscopy indicated for screening or surveillance with no prior positive mt-sDNA result2,c


Image demonstrates utilization trends for colorectal cancer screening modalities from 2014 to 2018; mt-sDNA test use increased significantly over time (from 2481 claims in 2014 to 335,455 claims), compared to the other analyzed colorectal cancer screening tests.
  • mt-sDNA testing increased significantly from 2014 to 2018 (2481 to 335,455 claims; P<0.001)1
    • Compound annual growth rate was higher for mt-sDNA (166.81%) than for colonoscopy (0.52%), FOBT (-11.75%), and FIT (0.67%)1
  • Colonoscopy (high- and low-risk codes) accounted for most of the CRC screening tests and remained relatively stable1
  • Findings support growing patient and provider interest in the mt-sDNA test as a noninvasive option for average-risk CRC screening1
  • This study analyzed and compared recent trends in colonoscopy, FS, FOBT, FIT, and mt-sDNA screening for CRC, using Medicare online claims data
  • FS represented <1% of all CRC screening tests over the entire analysis period

Learn more about the full Indications/Contraindications for the mt-sDNA test. Please see complete prescribing information for the Cologuard® test in the Cologuard Clinician Brochure.

FIT: fecal immunochemical test; mt-sDNA: multitarget stool DNA.


  1. Advanced noncancerous neoplasia includes adenomas or serrated polyps ≥1 cm, all traditional serrated adenomas or sessile serrated polyps with dysplasia, and all polyps with ≥25% villous elements and/or high-grade dysplasia of any size; nonadvanced neoplasia includes tubular adenomas or serrated polyps <1 cm; and normal examinations/nonsignificant findings include examinations with only rectosigmoid hyperplastic polyps <5 mm or nonneoplastic findings.
  2. Percentages calculated out of nonmissing totals.
  3. Between January 2011 and June 2019.
  4. Medicare CPT code: G0121 (colorectal cancer screening; colonoscopy on an individual not meeting criteria for high risk).
  5. Medicare CPT code: G0105 (colorectal cancer screening; colonoscopy on high-risk individuals), and G0121.

List of definitions

BMI: body mass index; CPT: current procedural terminology; CRC: colorectal cancer; FIT: fecal immunochemical test; FOBT: fecal occult blood test; FS: flexible sigmoidoscopy; mt-sDNA: multitarget stool DNA; NHCR: New Hampshire Colonoscopy Registry; NSAID: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OR: odds ratio; PPV: positive predictive value; TI: terminal ileum.


  1. Limburg PJ, Finney Rutten LJ, Ozbay AB, et al. Recent trends in colorectal cancer screening methods based on Medicare claims data. Curr Med Res Opin. 2021;37(4):605-607.
  2. Anderson JC, Robinson CM, Hisey WM, et al. Colorectal neoplasia detection in individuals with positive multitarget stool DNA tests: data from the New Hampshire Colonoscopy Registry. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2022;56(5):419-425.