At Exact Sciences, we are dedicated to giving employees the opportunity to engage in volunteer activities that not only benefit the communities we serve but also enhance overall well-being and job satisfaction.
In 2024, Exact Sciences expanded its “volunteer time off” program outside of the United States, offering all employees worldwide the ability to take two days off to volunteer on company time. Eight passionate international volunteer “champions” came together to represent their various countries, organize volunteer opportunities, and encourage participation in the new program. “We are thrilled to have the ability to establish a new culture in the company internationally,” says Commercial Administrative Coordinator Benedetta Ricciardi, Italy volunteer champion.
In the first year, over 400 volunteer hours were logged by the international team. “We developed a new sense of engagement that will continue into 2025,” says Ricciardi.
Here are some highlights from their impactful work:
In Baar, Switzerland, the team organized a clean-up event to help maintain the community’s beautiful public spaces and promote environmental sustainability. With litter pickers and rubbish bags in hand, they cleared heaps of waste from streets, parks, and public areas.
“We left the day not only with a cleaner Baar, but also a renewed sense of purpose,” says Revenue Operations Specialist Ekateryna Davidchyk, Switzerland volunteer champion . “Our teamwork, engagement, and shared responsibility for the environment truly made a difference.”
Connected through an association in Marseille, France that helps blind or visually impaired people with daily tasks and leisure activities, Senior Manager of Global Logistics Operations Sonia Himene volunteered to spend time with Maia, a visually impaired young woman hoping to be accompanied on a walk by the sea.
Sonia and Maia walked along the coast, dipping their toes in the sea and listening to the sound of the waves. “I am grateful that we can take volunteer time off to contribute to helping others,” says Sonia, “we will continue to see each other to help continue her discovery of Marseille.”
United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, Exact Sciences combined a team-building event with a great cause by supporting Trinity, a charity in Hillingdon, London, dedicated to ending homelessness. The team assembled push bikes to be given to people housed by the charity. These bikes help recipients travel to see family and friends, get to work, or simply enjoy the outdoors, benefiting their mental health.
“We utilized our individual personal strengths for the planning and execution,” remarks Senior Regional Oncogenomic Liaison Beth Hilton, United Kingdom volunteer champion. “It was a great team-building day, with a great outcome, for a great cause.”